Grit Baja Bantalan

G25 Bearing Steel Grit Untuk Pemotongan Granit

Bantalan pasir baja adalah abrasif logam yang terbuat dari baja bantalan melalui teknik pemrosesan khusus. Sebagai bahan pasir baja berkualitas tinggi, bantalan pasir baja memiliki akurasi dan keandalan yang sangat tinggi, dan dapat digunakan secara luas dalam produksi industri kelas atas seperti pemotongan batu, penerbangan, dirgantara, senjata, mesin, dll., Seperti bantalan motor berkecepatan tinggi, bantalan roda kereta berkecepatan tinggi, bantalan turbin angin, dll.

G25 Bearing Steel Grit For Stone Cutting

Bearing steel grit is a metal abrasive made from bearing steel through special processing techniques. As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

SAE GH18 Bearing Steel Grit

Bearing steel grit is a metal abrasive made from bearing steel through special processing techniques. As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

GH25 Bearing Steel Grit

Bearing steel grit is a metal abrasive made from bearing steel through special processing techniques. As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

SAE GP30 Bearing Steel Grit

Bearing steel grit is a metal abrasive made from bearing steel through special processing techniques. As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

SAE GH40 Bearing Steel Grit

As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

SAE GP12 Bearing Steel Grit

Bearing steel grit is a metal abrasive made from bearing steel through special processing techniques. As a high-quality steel grit material, bearing steel grit has extremely high accuracy and reliability, and can be widely used in the production of high-end industries such as stone cutting, aviation, aerospace, weapons, machinery, etc., such as high-speed motor bearings, high-speed train wheel bearings, wind turbine bearings, etc.

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